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RIA works alongside its members to ensure that SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in rail are represented and heard.

The RIA SME Group creates a community and platform for the SME supply chain to discuss mutual challenges and share expertise across the rail industry. As a group we are dedicated to creating positive change for our members, using our shared weight to amplify their voice. It offers both a community and a platform to its engaged members - enabling potential growth and opportunities. It is imperative that the wider supply chain understands the challenges faced and the potential benefits gained by working with SMEs. Our consolidated approach can deliver a consistent flow of information for all parties.

Organisations can gain learning from shared experiences and the achievements of each other, ultimately strengthening the supply chain as a whole. With organisational support from RIA, the SME Group is able to bring both ends of the supply chain together, increasing the opportunities for positive engagement. Through regular meetings and events, we can ensure the flow of two-way information, in turn delivering increased opportunities to all.

RIA Members can also access our online SME Member Interest Group community.

The work of RIA around SMEs is informed by our SME Chair, Vice Chair, and SME Leadership Group. 

Scroll down to see our leadership.

Meet the RIA SME Leadership

Lucy Prior MBE
Busines Growth Director, Trough-Tec Systems

Paul McSharry
 Vice Chair
Managing Director, Kilborn Consulting



You can view all of our upcoming events, including ones aimed at SMEs on our events page.

We always strive to provide reduced fees for our flagship events for SMEs with a turnover of under £1m.

Contact Us

  Isabella Lawson, RIA Policy Manager & SME Lead

  Email: [email protected]
  Phone: +44 (0)79 6426 3836

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