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Why become a Member?

10 Reasons to Join RIA

RIA Membership provides a number of benefits, helping you to navigate and succeed in the rail industry.

Membership benefits include:

  1. A 20-strong team of experts in rail policy, advocacy, technical, innovation, exports, events, membership services and operations
  2. Unrivalled RIA Nations & Regions network for members, with dedicated resources and events covering every part of the country: London & South, Midlands & Eastern, the North, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales & Western
  3. Impactful policy and lobbying offering, with regular meetings and roundtables
  4. Rail Fellowship Programme parliamentarian visits – RIA has brought over 40 local MPs to member sites, to promote the positives of the railway industry to politicians and a wider audience via targeted PR
  5. A Technical and Innovation offering second to none – in 2022 RIA published a Rail Innovation Strategy with five recommendations, all of which were endorsed by Network Rail, the Great British Railways Transition Team and a host of key industry stakeholders
  6. Over 100 Technical and Innovation events – including conferences, roundtables and meetings – bringing together rail specialists and members to collaborate on salient issues of the day and longer-term
  7. An established exports capability; as well as organising overseas missions, RIA arranges the UK pavilions and prestigious networking receptions at rail’s largest international trade fair, InnoTrans, in Berlin – millions of pounds of overseas rail work is secured through this exports work
  8. Modern, A/V-fitted, offices in Westminster with event and room space available for member usage
  9. A dynamic trade association – in 2022, RIA achieved its highest ever independently-assessed customer satisfaction scores: 89% of members were happy with membership, and 92% said RIA had played a key leadership role as the voice of the UK rail supply community and had performed well as the ‘go-to’ body for advising on government policy
  10. A winning trade association – in the last five years, RIA has won awards for excellence, leadership, advocacy, best events, and EDI and decarbonisaion campaigning

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