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Quality and well-paid rail jobs can boost regional economies and communities by providing significant social value uplift and excellent employment, training, and upskilling opportunities in local areas in additional to the direct and indirect economic benefits. The opportunities that the rail sector provides should be celebrated, with better partnerships, accessibility and investment needed to maximise these opportunities.

RIA celebrates the value of the talent within the sector, continuing to push for greater pipeline clarity which gives businesses the certainty needed to invest in both their current skilled workforce and the workforce of the future. Skills activity must be accessible to all, which RIA champions through the RIA Women in Rail EDI Charter.

Key Publications 

Press Notices 

RIA Launches Midlands and Eastern Priorities Paper

Posted on 27/10/2023
The Railway Industry Association (RIA) Midlands & Eastern has today published a new Priorities Paper, reflecting a collaborative approach with national and sub-national transport bodies to tackle key challenges and unlock the full potential of the re

Get in touch 

For more insight on Skills, please contact the Policy Team at [email protected]

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