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RIA presents evidence to Transport Select Committee on sustainability of the rolling stock industry

6 December 2023

The Railway Industry Association were invited to give evidence to the Transport Select Committee (TSC) today in an evidence session on the subject ‘Rail Services and Infrastructure’ focusing on the sustainability of the rolling stock industry. RIA Technical Director David Clarke gave evidence alongside RIA members, Nicholas Crossfield and Malcolm Brown, CEOs of Alstom and Angel Trains respectively.
David referenced RIA’s July 2023 report ‘The UK Rolling Stock Industry: Making 2023 the year of opportunity not crisis’ which was compiled in collaboration with RIA members. The report can be found here .

In response to questions from TSC members, RIA Technical Director David Clarke, said, “The Department for Transport (DfT) does not currently have a process or strategy for the procurement of rolling stock.

“Transport Secretary Mark Harper previously told the Transport Select Committee he would set out a ‘Roadmap for Procurement’ by the end of the year, yet we are very close to Parliament going into recess until the New Year, and there is no indication of when this is going to be published. So we need to see the Government’s thinking as soon as possible, including details of the timeframes for new train orders.

“We need a visible and smoother pipeline for new and refurbished rolling stock, to provide clarity for rail suppliers and protect UK rail manufacturing and upgrade capacity in the short to medium term. This doesn’t only benefit the rail supply sector but also reduces carbon and ensures value for money for customers – both passengers and freight – and taxpayers too.”

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